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The Champion Forum Podcast

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Jeff Hancher

What I Learned in My First 5 Years of Being an Entrepreneur

Thank you for listening to The Champion Forum Podcast. This year marks five years since I left the comfort of my corporate job to start my own consulting business. While I have had a lot of joy from serving my clients, it has also been a challenging journey. Today, I want to share three lessons I’ve learned along the way—lessons I believe will resonate with anyone building something meaningful in their life or career.

3 Lessons I Learned in My First 5 Years of Being an Entrepreneur

Lesson 1: Embrace Uncertainty

Uncertainty isn’t a sign you’re on the wrong path—it’s often a sign you are making meaningful progress. Uncertainty forces you to innovate, adapt, and build resilience. Instead of fearing it, view it as an opportunity for transformation. The next time you face uncertainty, reframe your fear by imagining the worst thing that could happen. Often, it’s not as bad as we think it will be! Then, identify what you can do to mitigate that risk. You can also embrace uncertainty by treating every challenge as an opportunity to experiment and learn.

Application Activity:

Reflect on a time you took a risk that didn’t work out. What did you learn from it? Share that story with someone—it will remind you of the growth that came from the discomfort.

Lesson 2: Build Meaningful Relationships

Success is never a solo journey. Relationships with clients, colleagues, mentors, and peers are the foundation for growth and sustainability. Meaningful relationships are about authenticity, trust, and mutual value. They are investments that pay dividends in both professional and personal fulfillment.

Application Activities:

  1. Audit your network: Take 10 minutes to identify the top 5 people who have supported your journey. Send them a thank-you message or express your gratitude in person.

  2. Be intentional about connection: Schedule a coffee or virtual meeting with someone you admire or want to build a stronger relationship with. Go into the conversation with no agenda other than to connect.

  3. Add value first: Think of one way to help someone in your network this week. Whether it’s an introduction, advice, or a resource, focus on giving without expecting anything in return.

Lesson 3: Stay Committed to Your Purpose

Purpose provides clarity in moments of distraction, motivation when the journey gets tough, and direction when challenges arise. Shortcuts may seem appealing, but they rarely lead to sustained success. Aligning with your mission keeps you grounded and fulfilled and helps you make the right decision.

Application Activities:

  1. Make a video for your future self: Just before I left my corporate job, a friend encouraged me to record a video with a message to myself. He told me to express why I was starting my business and why it was meaningful. He encouraged me to speak to a future version of myself who was having a hard day or felt like quitting.

  2. Reconnect with your why: Write down your top three reasons for doing what you do. Keep this list visible as a daily reminder of your purpose.  (Consider doing a video like I did)

  3. Set a purpose-driven goal: Identify one goal that aligns closely with your mission. Break it into actionable steps and commit to making progress on it.  (This will ensure you are working on the things that matter most)

  4. Pause and reflect: Take 10 minutes to journal about a moment when staying true to your purpose led to a breakthrough. Use that memory as fuel for future challenges. (it will remind you that you are on the right path)


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