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The Champion Forum Podcast

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TCFP234: Feedback is a Gift

Jeff Hancher

Thank you for listening to The Champion Forum Podcast with Jeff Hancher! Leaders know feedback is valuable, so why do so few do it frequently? Best-in-class leaders use ongoing conversations to deliver energizing feedback that celebrates successes, provides opportunities for improvement, and calibrates performance. Improving your company’s use of feedback will improve employee engagement and reduce turnover. In today’s episode, we’ll discuss the wrong mindsets leaders have toward feedback, what your employees really want, and how to use feedback to create robust business results.

What is feedback? Is feedback good or bad?

Feedback is the process where you communicate information to influence the next action. Your feedback may cause an employee to stop, start, or continue doing a behavior. When you think of feedback as either “good” or “bad,” you will procrastinate or even avoid giving feedback.

When should you give feedback?

1. Before there is a problem

Do not limit your feedback to when there is a problem you need to correct. You should set feedback up as a regular part of your culture.

2. At least once a week

You will run into trouble if the yearly performance review is the only time your employees receive feedback. When you present corrective feedback at these meetings without notice, employees consider quitting and feel like the feedback is unfair. Instead, give feedback as often as you can, at least weekly.

Employees are hungry for feedback from their leaders. They want to know what they are doing well, how they can improve, and what will help them earn more opportunities. Employees who receive weekly, meaningful feedback are 4x as likely to be engaged in their work compared to those who do not.

What are the benefits of feedback?

Frequent feedback energizes employees and enables teams to make performance adjustments that create a competitive edge.

Inspires excellence: Employees are more motivated to do outstanding work when their leader provides frequent (vs. annual) feedback.

Retains talent: Employees today are looking for purpose-driven work and a leader who acknowledges and accelerates their progress. Giving more feedback is one of the top strategies for retaining talent.

Application Activities

  1. Consider the following questions with your boss or other leader: Is frequent feedback a part of your leadership culture? Are you avoiding giving feedback? Have you dedicated time to this? Have you been trained on how to give feedback? What intentional actions can you take to become a leader who is known for giving feedback?

  2. Ask a tenured employee or coworker how you give feedback. Is there something about your approach that they like or dislike? Do they want you to give more feedback? You may be surprised at the answers to these questions!

  3. In the next episode, we will discuss the mindsets that keep leaders from giving feedback and how to overcome them. Take a moment to write out your beliefs about feedback. Do you see feedback as valuable? Why or why not? Are you afraid to give feedback? Where do you think those fears come from? Have your beliefs about feedback changed? What situations caused the most change? Understanding your current attitudes toward giving feedback will help you overcome those mindsets.


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