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The Champion Forum Podcast

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Coffee Is For Closers: the key steps (and mindsets) needed to close sales

Jeff Hancher

Thank you for listening to The Champion Forum Podcast with Jeff Hancher! Time is money, and when your income depends on the number of sales you make, you must ensure your sales process is efficient and successful. So, how do you close more sales? One of the most under-practiced areas of the sales process is closing the sale! In today’s podcast, we will talk about mindsets that prevent salespeople from asking for the sale and the four steps to closing the sale. 

Two Mindsets You Must Master To Close Sales

  1. Buyers want and expect to be sold to.

You want to be assertive without being pushy. Pushy salespeople come off as cocky and arrogant. The best time to close a sale is when you have earned the right to close the sale. You understand your client and their needs and have presented your product well. The next obvious step is to ask for the sale. Why would you do anything else?

  1. Rejection is not personal.

If your prospect rejects your proposal, they are not rejecting you. In fact, they are doing you a favor! Every time you get rejected, you have an opportunity to improve your craft. Rejection just moves you to the next yes. 

Q: Are there any other mindset you struggle with as a salesperson? What helps you tackle negative mindsets?

How To Close A Sale

  1. Present the Solution

You present the solution during your sales process. This includes uncovering buying motives, presenting the benefits, trail closing, and other aspects. The more skilled you are at your presentation, the easier the next steps will be.

  1. Summarize

Reiterate everything that has happened during the sales process. Outline the problem and how your product or service solves that problem. Give a brief overview of the packages you discussed and the solutions that will fit their needs.

  1. Ask for the Business

Be clear about the next steps and tell them what you need for them to start receiving the desired product or service.

  1. Push for An Objection

You must force your prospect to sign or object to keep the sales process moving. If they are indecisive or indifferent when you end the meeting, you will waste time waiting for them to make a decision, trying to reengage them in the sales process, and even after all this extra time, you may still lose the sale. You need to be assertive and create a strong enough call to action that you are pushing them to an objection. Prospects will often use cost as an excuse, so ensure that you push beyond that initial objection.

Ask: Mr. Prospect, price aside, is there any reason you would object to my proposal?

Asking this question will help you determine where your client needs to see more of the value of your product or service.

Q: What is your current closing process? Are there any areas you feel the least confident? What resource would help you improve your confidence in that area? What area have you improved most as a salesperson? What helped you improve?

Application Activities:

  1. Find a fellow salesperson and practice asking for the sale. Use the steps from this episode, including the question to uncover objections. Roleplaying situations will help you get more comfortable with the approach and explore how different questions and statements can impact your prospect.

  2. Consider the most frequent objections you hear during your closing process. Can you address those objections in your presentation? Consider testimonials from clients with that initial objection, statistics, or white papers that could help reassure potential buyers. Insert any relevant information into your presentation to tackle the objection before you even start closing.


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